Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Best Western... Round Two

Well its been a pretty busy week, so I guess I will start from the begining... As stated in my last post, I had tech week at one of the other volunteers site earlier this week to learn various useful bits of knowledge... like how to make Chicken Feed or an Improved Stove (improved in the sense that it uses less wood and doesnt fill the house with smoke). I thought it was a great trip, I think I learned a lot and seeing an actual Peace Corps site was really cool, gives me a clue on what to expect as this week unfolds and I hopefully recieve my site assignment this coming Friday.

Then it started to rain, and rain some more... and rain a lot more. The last tech day was a lot less productive as we had to cross what then was a pretty big river every time we wanted to work or eat, but this really wasnt bothering me too much because I spent most of the day in the lab with my first Nica Illness anyways (bacteria infection of the intestinal track for anyone who is wondering... not too much fun). But I spent the next day or so doing pretty much nothing and I feel a lot better now (Im sure the super antibiotics they have me on are having an impact as well).

With the rain that almost washed away the tail end of tech week came more rain, when we got back to Esteli it wasnt long before we all got word that the volunteers in the north half of the country were all being evacuated to the capital until the weather passed. So now Im in the same hotel that we had our welcome retreat at, watching football (what happened to the Bears defense... I leave and all the sudden they cant do anything right), enjoying the pool, and waiting for word to head back North.

1 comment:

robyn said...

STEVE!! so i finally took the 30 seconds to set this up so i can comment on your ish. Mom told me you were pretty pumped about being able to get a little bears action in on Sunday.. and obviously any issues they are having are only because youre out of the country. love and miss you.