Monday, June 18, 2007


Hello Friends, family, Internet wanderers...

Getting tired of asking me where the Peace Corps is sending me later this fall? Well, good news! I officially have word that I will be going to Nicaragua on August 27th (so everyone still has about 2 months to get as much Steve as they possibly can). For those of you who might not be geographically gifted, here are a couple of maps to show you exactly where Nicaragua is:

You might ask... So Steve, what will you be doing while you're in Nicaragua? Well, I have an answer for that too! (sort of) I'm going to be working as a Rural Development / Agriculture volunteer. This means that I will be working to raise the standard of living in rural communities through increasing food security and creating other income opportunities. Unfortunately this could mean about a million different things... I could go into some extensive explanation of what food security is and the ways in which I might be working to improve it in Nicaragua, but instead I think I'll leave everyone in suspense until I actually start working and can tell you exactly what I'm doing.

Anyways, I hope to use this blog to keep everyone updated on the life of a Peace Corps volunteer. Feel free to leave comments here (it'll let me know if people are actually reading this thing or not - just click on the "comments" link at the bottom of every post) or email me if you want a more direct, personal line of communication (I dont know exactly how much access I will have to the Internet until I get there, so I can't make any promises about how quickly I'll be able to respond or for that matter update the blog). I hope everyone is doing well and enjoys reading about my adventure!

- Steve -


Erin C said...

NICARAGUA!! i'm so incredibly excited for you but am glad that you are not leaving quite yet. the thought of no steveo for two whole years makes me sad inside. i'll def be reading your keep writing!

A said...

I *just* got my invitation for Nicaragua, leaving in January, so I went to Peace Corps Journals and started bookmarking like crazy... just wanted to let you know that I'll be reading yours! Good luck with training!
